Our Mission
The Mercer Island Schools Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) public service, non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing and improving the quality of education provided to ALL Mercer Island School District students by obtaining contributions for the public schools.
Our Vision
The ways YOU foster excellence in education with your support for our schools through the Mercer Island Schools Foundation:
Our History
Started in 1981, the Foundation has raised over $27 million thanks to the generous community.
In 1981, parents and community leaders had a dream – a vision of enriched opportunities for students and teachers through a privately funded organization. Due to the diligent efforts of these volunteers, the Mercer Island Schools Foundation was formed.
The Mercer Island Schools Foundation was started in 1981 by two dedicated community members and since then has raised millions thanks to the generous community. Below, the Foundation’s founders, Richard Weinman and Bob Klein reflect upon the early years.
Since its founding, the Foundation has become the catalyst for the Mercer Island community to guarantee every teacher has access to the most up-to-date, innovative educational materials that guarantee exceptional teaching and learning experiences for every student.
Donations to the Mercer Island Schools Foundation have continued to grow. Families and businesses throughout the Mercer Island community have invested more than $26M creating an ongoing legacy of excellence in education.
The tremendous success of the organization lies in the simple fact that the Mercer Island Schools Foundation was born in a community that places value on quality education. Learn more about the impact of our community’s commitment to education.